Saturday, June 23, 2012

friday again

Have I mentioned the weather in Singapore is quite insane? It's terribly hot and humid. It's almost like suffocating.
I made myself a tote bag today, quite quickly. I must say i'm quite pleased with myself.
Have I also mentioned how I have this paradoxical battle with life. Almost a mix of happiness, frustration, hurt, joy, calm. It's not right to be sad so often.
Yesterday, I went to take a survey so I could earn $8 for lunch. It was about a life's experience and it got me thinking a lot about life and myself.
I wished whatever people told me are full truths. I wished I could know because there's no way I possibly can. I'd be more consistent with happy then.
Idleness is really a bitch, so is the possibility to think emotionally.
If I could keep love and trust that it'd be consistent. this is a start

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